
Papua New Guinea: Assisting communities affected by tribal conflict

Facts and figures for 2017

Doris Kapula lost her husband and their house during an election-related conflict between the Amala and Teremanda tribes in Wabag, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. "Life will never be the same without my husband but I am grateful for ICRC's assistance. At least I have some basics to start again."

Following the fight, the ICRC distributed a total of 271 kits containing basic kitchen items, building and gardening tools to families on both sides of the conflict.

The ICRC has been working to protect and assist people affected by tribal conflict in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea since 2012. In 2017, the ICRC:

  • Improved access to maternal health care for 706 women at the ICRC-constructed Yakisu Community Health Post in Kalolo, Southern Highlands Province.
  • Provided 1000 people with access to water in the Highlands.
  • Provided assistance to over 15,000 displaced people in Enga, Hela and Southern Highland Provinces.
  • Conducted 24 visits to 11 correctional institutions and police lock-ups.
  • Facilitated 86 families to visit their loved ones detained in places of detention in East New Britain and Bougainville.
  • Supported the construction of a monument for the missing in Sipotavai and organisation of a sea burial in Buin, allowing 25 families to find closure.

For more information, read the full operational update for our work in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea - Operational update 2017

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