Philippines: Displaced Maguindanaons face uncertain future

  • Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Since the fighting between government forces and armed groups erupted in March, Puya Bahal, 59, and his family have stayed together in this makeshift tent. “We fear being caught in conflict,” says Bahal.
    CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / L. Dela Cruz
  • Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Three months ago, Norhatta Manalindo tied the knot with Mahmud. This improvised tent has become their temporary home. Norhatta shares, “We never had a honeymoon.”
    CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / L. Dela Cruz
  • Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Maguindanao, Philippines.
    A woman does her laundry in a murky stream near the Mahad Madia evacuation centre in the municipality of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, in Maguindanao.
    CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / L. Dela Cruz
  • Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Despite the difficult conditions and uncertainty of the situation, displaced families choose to stay together in cramped spaces in evacuation centres.
    CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / L. Dela Cruz
  • Maguindanao, Philippines.
    Maguindanao, Philippines.
    While many are in evacuation centres, others opt to stay in makeshift tents, which hardly protect them from the heat of the sun.
    CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / L. Dela Cruz
20 April 2015

Thousands of evacuees in Maguindanao province, in southern Philippines, are in the grip of uncertainty following the month-long clashes between government armed forces and armed groups in March. Irregular skirmishes prevent displaced families from returning to their homes.

Life is difficult enough under normal circumstances for the evacuees. Now it has become a real struggle, especially that the dry spell affecting the province has increased the vulnerability of the displaced population.