
Philippines: ICRC response to COVID-19 (May 2020 edition)

With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis in the Philippines, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) adjusted its ongoing programming and launched new initiatives to assist national authorities, the health care system, detention facilities and the Philippine Red Cross to respond to the pandemic. Our multi-disciplinary response focused on the populations most at risk from the spread of the virus. 
They include detainees, displaced and vulnerable people in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao, and frontline responders from the health sector, Red Cross and other ICRC-supported actors. This is a brief overview of the ongoing action, where distinct ICRC expertise, resources and relationships bolstered the overall response. The information in this document is up to date as of 30 April 2020. 
To see the full infographic about our COVID-19 response, please download the PDF file below.

Infographic: ICRC response to COVID-19 in the Philippines (May 2020 edition)

PDF file
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