
Protecting lives and alleviating suffering: Annual report on activities in Venezuela in 2023

Day after day, in every community we reach, we come across something very valuable, a special trait we see in health-care workers, forensic personnel, community leaders, teachers and all the people we support: a determination to never give up. This means that even though armed violence has a devastating effect on their lives, they always strive to find solutions and carry on in spite of the challenging circumstances.

Throughout 2023, we carried out our humanitarian activities to protect and help people in areas affected by armed violence in the states of Bolívar, Caracas, Miranda, Aragua, Táchira, Apure and Zulia. We worked with them to implement various projects, listening not only to their needs, but also to their ideas and feedback and the stories they had to tell. The motivation behind this was to make 2023 a year for empowering people, for giving them an opportunity to demonstrate what they were capable of and strengthening their capacities where they needed support to enable them to reduce the adverse consequences of violence in their lives.

This report paints a picture, with facts and figures, of the impact of our action in the country and how we will continue our activities in 2024, working together with communities, the authorities, civil society and the Venezuelan Red Cross.

Find out more about our work with communities in 2023 here


These are some of the highlights of our humanitarian action in 2023:

Our humanitarian action benefited 649,982 people
We coordinated with the Venezuelan Red Cross and the IFRC on activities in areas such as
We carried out training and awareness sessions on
In 2023, we worked in communities in Táchira, Apure and Bolívar
We promoted dialogue with weapon bearers to ensure that they know the rules of international humanitarian law, international
We carried out economic security projects to support people whose livelihoods had been affected by violence
We worked with the prison authorities to improve living conditions
The ICRC’s forensic work in Venezuela aims to promote the incorporation of best practices into the medico-legal system,
In cooperation with the Venezuelan Red Cross, we supported 267 families involved in search processes to

Annual Report on activities in 2023 and outlook for 2024

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