
African Union: Reflections on ICRC African Union Delegation activities

In an exclusive interview with 105.3 Afro FM, Head of ICRC Delegation to the African Union(ADO), Mr. Bruce Mokaya Orina reflected on the delegation`s activities.

Mr Mokaya conveyed his perception of the progress of ICRC and the evolving ADO's engagement with the African Union Commission. He also presented his perspective on COVID-19 related challenges for ICRC and the humanitarian sector.

Amid public health emergency, Mr. Bruce Mokoya reiterated ICRC's effort to monitor, assist, and protect communities that are in need across Africa. He we went on to share how ICRC Delegation to the African Union works with the African Union Commission to influence member states to do more for these vulnerable groups including migrants, detainees, and Internally Dispalced People (IDP).

He also talked about the works of ICRC ADO Delegation with the African Union Commission to draw attention to humanitarian issues, and promote the implementation of international humanitarian law (IHL) throughout the continent while raising awareness of the ICRC's role and activities in Africa. Amongst other things, he also outlined the danger to our societies posed by escalated conflicts and the stigmatization of communities fleeing their home due to violence.

Mr Mokaya also paid particular attention to lockdowns, quarantines, or isolation measures imposed by states that further worsen the situation of migrants, IDP, and vulnerable living in overcrowded and unhealthy environments. He urged the development of comprehensive contingency plans accompanied by adequate prevention measures for better preparedness and responses.

The interview was conducted at the ICRC ADO office based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in September 2020 by Yohannes Wondafrash, Program Producer of Diplomatic Corner at 105.3 Afro.FM.

Interview with ICRC`s Head of delegation to the AU