News release

Religious leaders and ICRC using Islamic teachings to fight the spike of COVID-19 in Gaza

Gaza City (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Palestinian Ministry of Waqf and Religious Affairs in Gaza have joined forces in a campaign to convince people to follow preventive measures and combat the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in Gaza.

The campaign, which comprises seven animated videos, will use the Hadeeth and verses of the Quran to spread awareness of measures and help flatten the ascending curve of the virus.

“In this ‘living with the virus’ phase of the pandemic, people tend to behave as if it is over. In reality, Gaza is witnessing an alarming increase of COVID-19 cases among the population,” warned Ignacio Casares, the Head of ICRC office in Gaza. “Fighting the pandemic is the collective responsibility of authorities, civil society and humanitarian organisations, but it starts with the individual.” 

In Gaza, religious leaders have played a crucial role in supporting the authorities in tackling the spread of COVID-19. The ICRC started its cooperation with the Ministry of Waqf in the early days of the pandemic.

The campaign covers topics including home quarantine, dealing with anxiety, respect of medical personnel, sharing the burden of online education, helping vulnerable people to the virus, and safe prayers in mosques, among others.  

Since the very beginning of the crisis, the ICRC has supported health authorities and the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Gaza and the West Bank in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, and worked to promote preventive measures against the spread of the disease. 

For further information, please contact:

Hisham Mhanna (Arabic and English), ICRC Gaza,

tel: +972 59 4205057 

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