
Responding to the humanitarian needs in Kenya, Tanzania and Djibouti

Facts and figures: July to December 2019

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Nairobi regional delegation was set up in 1973. The delegation's purpose is to carry out humanitarian activities and pursue humanitarian diplomacy in Kenya, Tanzania and Djibouti and to provide logistical, technical and training support to operational ICRC delegations in neighbouring countries within the Horn of Africa and Great Lakes Region.

Highlights of our work from July to December 2019:

14,580 Red Cross messages and phone calls made by refugees.
Visited 494 detainees in Djibouti and Tanzania.
Conditional cash grants given to 1,120 households in Garissa amounting to $166,151.
Shipped 9,430 metric tons of relief goods, food and non-food items to 36 countries.
15,450 people gained access to clean water through a solar water supply system project.


For a detailed report of our work in Kenya, Tanzania and Djibouti, read the complete report.

Nairobi Regional Delegation Facts & Figures: July - December 2019

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