
Six Months of Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict - The response of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

The last six months have taken a huge toll on those suffering from the effects of the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is marking the moment with a 47-page report called “Six Months of Armed Conflict in Ukraine.”

The last six months have taken a huge toll on those suffering from the effects of the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is marking the moment with a 47-page report called "Six Months of Armed Conflict in Ukraine."

Six Months of Armed Conflict in Ukraine - RCRC Movement Report

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The reports captures the work carried out by 48 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies and more than 100,000 volunteers. We have managed to reach millions of people, providing health and care services; mental and psychosocial support; cash and voucher assistance; water and sanitation; voluntary evacuations from armed conflict-affected areas, restoring family links, among many others. The assistance provided includes:

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