News release

Sudan: 18,000 families receive seeds and food assistance in Central Darfur state

Khartoum (ICRC) – 18,000 families in the Jebel Marra region of Darfur, 14,000 in Rokero and 4,000 in Golo, are receiving seeds and food assistance from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Its main partner in the country, the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS), joined the ICRC in the assessment and registration of beneficiaries and in the distribution of the seeds.

"The distribution will enable supported families to plant crops in advance of the rainy season so that they have food to harvest later in the year to consume and sell," said ICRC agronomist Joseph Dome.

"We are also providing interim food assistance to help bridge the gap through the lean season and ensure that the seeds are planted, rather than eaten, because people have limited alternative sources of food."

The distribution is targeting the most vulnerable, returnees, and residents in 100 villages in Rokero and 82 villages in the Golo area. Each family receives groundnut, sorghum and an assortment of vegetable seed. They also get a one month food ration of sorghum, broad-beans, oil, sugar and salt.

The ICRC helps people around the world affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence, doing everything it can to protect their dignity and relieve their suffering, often with its Red Cross and Red Crescent partners. The organization also seeks to prevent hardship by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and championing universal humanitarian principles.

For further information, please contact:
Salma Ismail, ICRC Khartoum, +249 912 164931