
Syria: Informing people where to find water through Facebook and Twitter

Many neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo are completely devastated and people have been left without access to basic services like water, food, electricity and health care.

Accessing drinking water is a daily challenge in Aleppo. The whole city has a problem with water supply and electricity, at a time when temperatures can reach more than 40 °C. Frequent and lengthy interruptions in the main supply are common place and so are long queues at churches and mosques and other places around the city where there may be taps still providing water.

There are long queues near mosques, churches and other sites where water is still provided.

In July 2015, together the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) branch in Aleppo and the Aleppo Water Board, the ICRC fixed and cleaned 56 drinking water points and set up water tanks across the city. Four million litres of drinkable water have been supplied through this system.

How do we inform Syrian people where they can find water?

The ICRC posted a map of Aleppo showing the drinking water points repaired in Facebook  and Twitter local residents are informed where they can access water and can give comments to help the ICRC improve the service.