
The ICRC in Myanmar: facts and figures, January to May 2016

Despite the ongoing efforts to achieve peace in Myanmar, fighting continues in northern Shan and in Kachin. Over 100,000 people are still displaced and thousands more affected by conflict and in need of assistance in the Northeast. In Rakhine, the consequences of the violence that affected all communities in 2012 and the restrictions on movement that followed, still weigh heavily on people's everyday lives.

Key achievements from January to May 2016


10,000 people affected by the conflict in northern and southern Shan States received assistance such as cash and/or essential items.



Access to quality health care improved thanks to support (medical material, improvement of infrastructure, trainings, waste management) to 10 hospitals in Rakhine, Shan and in a non-government-controlled area in Kachin.


Over 14,000 people were provided with improved access to water and sanitation in Rakhine, Shan and Kachin.


Following ICRC recommendations, the Prison Department created a new engineering unit to develop national infrastructure standards. 


1,600 people improved their knowledge on the risks of landmines and other unexploded ordnance in Kachin and Shan States.
Around 1,400 people with disabilities improved their mobility at two ICRC-supported physical rehabilitation centres in Hpa-an and Mandalay.


See more on: Myanmar News

The following is the complete overview of what ICRC has done to respond to the needs of all communities :

Executive brief on the ICRC in Myanmar

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