News release

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visits ICRC HQ

On 21 April, ICRC President Peter Maurer received an official delegation from Ukraine headed by President Petro Poroshenko.

During the meeting, which took place at the ICRC's headquarters in Geneva, both sides noted the good level of dialogue on humanitarian issues in relation to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. President Poroshenko expressed appreciation for the ICRC's current activities on the ground as well as for the efforts to increase its response to urgent humanitarian needs.

The ICRC reiterated its commitment to increase aid deliveries into eastern Ukraine once administrative procedures are accelerated. President Maurer called on Ukraine to help ensure people living in front-line areas can reach public services, which is currently difficult due to movement restrictions.

Another priority issue discussed was the ICRC's access to detainees on both sides. President Maurer stressed the ICRC's commitment to continue to visit places of detention on both sides. He clarified that while the ICRC cannot get involved in the negotiation of release agreements, it can as a neutral intermediary facilitate the release and transfer of detainees as soon as a political agreement is in place.

Finally, Mr Maurer expressed the ICRC's willingness to expand its activity into other humanitarian areas needing attention. These include tackling the issue of unexploded ordnance contaminating areas where people live or work, as well as helping locate people missing as a result of the conflict and assisting their families.

For further information, please contact:
Zara Amatuni, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 22 730 25 02 or +41 79 536 92 48