
Venezuela: A helping hand for communities

The ICRC's humanitarian work in Venezuela is aimed at addressing the most urgent needs of communities affected by armed violence. Our work has not stopped in 2021: we've redoubled our efforts to help halt the COVID-19 pandemic, while also carrying out our existing programmes. And in all our activities, we abide by the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. We maintain full transparency with the authorities and members of civil society and work in cooperation with our partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: the Venezuelan Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Here is some of what we achieved in Venezuela between January and March 2021.

100 tonnes
12 hospitals and 10 outpatient clinics
4,152 people
7,261 connectivity-related services
17 visits were made to 6,820 people deprived of their liberty
19 forensic institutions and medical centres
148 volunteers from 14 Venezuelan Red Cross branches
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