
Venezuela: Humanitarian assistance for affected people

During 2019, the ICRC expanded its operations in the country in order to respond to the most urgent needs of the Venezuelan population in an impartial, neutral and independent manner, in cooperation with the Venezuelan Red Cross (VRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the competent authorities, in addition to other civil society organizations.

The ICRC, in Venezuela, works to assist the people affected by the humanitarian consequences of violence and other emergencies. It helps the most vulnerable, namely detainees, the sick and injured, migrants and their families, and acts to help those separated from their families due to migration or violence. The ICRC also strives to prevent suffering by promoting knowledge of applicable international standards and universal humanitarian principles and their incorporation into national legislation. 

The regional delegation's geographical coverage also includes Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao where the ICRC assists migrants deprived of their freedom and those who have been separated from their families, in addition to supporting the National Societies in each of these countries.

Learn more about our activities between January and June 2019 by downloading our operations report

Some of the notable activities carried out by the ICRC in Venezuela between January and June 2019 were:

The VRC and the ICRC together achieve a greater humanitarian impact
The ICRC has visited 7 prisons since March 2019
15 communication, information and connectivity points
7 hospitals in the Capital District and surrounding areas received a donation of emergency power systems
3374 services were provided for migrants
Over 200 health-care professionals received training
50,000 mosquito nets will be distributed
2 soup kitchens in the populist areas of Petare and La Vega
1176 officers of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela
The ICRC visited 3 immigrant detention centres

Learn more about our activities between January and June 2019 by downloading our operations report

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