
Webinar: Counter-terrorism, sanctions and humanitarian access in COVID-19 era

Webinar: Counter-terrorism, Sanctions & Humanitarian Access in the COVID-19 Era from ICRC on Vimeo.

As part of its first online thematic IHL workshop on "Humanitarian Access in the Context of COVID-19" (5 to 7 May 2020), the ICRC hosted a webinar on "Counter-terrorism legislation & Sanctions in the context of COVID-19: Where we are today and what do we need to pay attention to?"

This webinar discussion convened leading experts to take stock of the current debate on Counter-terrorism legislation, sanctions and humanitarian access. Panellists also explored the complexities and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic presents in an already complex humanitarian access landscape. Organized as a roundtable discussion, this public online event was moderated by Eva Svoboda, deputy director of Law & Policy at the ICRC.

More information about the event and speakers are available here.  


International Humanitarian Law And The Challenges Of Contemporary Armed Conflicts Recommitting To Protection In Armed Conflict On The 70th Anniversary Of The Geneva Conventions , Chapter on "Terrorism, Counter-terrorism measures and IHL", pp.57-61

Combatting terrorism should not come at the expense of humanitarian action or principles: Remarks to UN General Assembly High-Level Side Event on "Counter-terrorism Frameworks and Sanctions Regimes: Safeguarding Humanitarian Space", 26 September 2019

Counter-terrorism activities must respect protections afforded by international humanitarian law: Statement to UN General Assembly Sixth Committee Meeting on "Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism", 10 October 2019

Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law, Bruges Colloquium Proceedings, 2016,

COVID-19 response in conflict zones hinges on respect for international humanitarian law, Cordula Droege, 16 April 2020

The power of words: the dangerous rhetoric of the "terrorist", Ellen Policinski, 4 March 2020

International Humanitarian Law: A legal framework for exceptional circumstances, David Tuck & Thomas de Saint Maurice, 30 November 2017

Out of balance: Global counter-terrorism & the laws of war, Stéphane Ojeda, 15 September 2017


If you have questions about this event, please contact the ICRC's Legal Training Sector: