Yemen: Disability is not an obstacle

  • Samah Hassan, from Taiz, Yemen
    Samah Hassan, from Taiz, Yemen
    Samah Hassan is from Taiz, but conflict forced her to move to Sana’a. “My life was so difficult before I got the prosthesis; I had to struggle in my society as a disabled person who should prove her capability. People used to mock me or looked at me with pity, which hurt me. Now, I am a strong girl whose future has changed. I am going to Tanzania to be the first women who will be come back to serve the disabled in my own country with the wheel chair specialization. I’m just speechless.”
    Hani Mohammed /ICRC
  • Yasser Mustafa, from Aden governorate, Yemen
    Yasser Mustafa, from Aden governorate, Yemen
    Yasser Mustafa, 45 years old, lost his foot due to a non-treated wound. He spent years without work. Once he got a prosthesis, he was determined to make a beter life for himself.
    Saleh Bahuleis /ICRC
  • Yasser Mustafa, from Aden governorate, Yemen
    Yasser Mustafa, from Aden governorate, Yemen
    Mustafa had a prosthetic training in Ethiopia: “I was lucky to get a prosthesis that changed my prospective in life. Everything changed. Now I’ve a job where I understand the suffering of people and I want to be of an added value.”
    Saleh Bahuleis/ICRC
  • Samia Maher Tawfiq, 8 years old from Aden,Yemen.
    Samia Maher Tawfiq, 8 years old from Aden,Yemen.
    Samia is eight years old. She lost both her right leg and her elder brother during a shelling. Luckily a prosthesis is helping heal her wounds.
    Saleh Bahuleis /ICRC
  • Samia Maher Tawfiq,8 years old from Aden, Yemen.
    Samia Maher Tawfiq,8 years old from Aden, Yemen.
    Samia's mother: “We managed to register Samia at the school after getting a prosthesis that enables her to have a normal life.”
    Saleh Bahuleis /ICRC
  • Saeed Saeed Al Odaini, from Ibb, Yemen.
    Saeed Saeed Al Odaini, from Ibb, Yemen.
    “I think I am still young, since I can enjoy my life and keep working to help others get back their lives.” Saeed lost his leg as a child due to cancer. He recently decided to work at the physical rehabilitation centre. “I fully understood how difficult it can be, and how it’s important to help people have a normal life.”
    Hani Mohammed /ICRC
  • Abdo Qaed from Sana’a,Yemen
    Abdo Qaed from Sana’a,Yemen
    “I was two year old when I realized that I could not play with friends because of my amputated leg. It was very hard for me as it wasn't until I was 15 that I got a new prostheses. It changed my life.I encourage everyone to have hope.”
    Hani Mohammed /ICRC
02 December 2016

Thousands of people have lost limbs in Yemen since the conflict started in 2015. An estimated 6,000 people have been left disabled – most as a result of a blast, mine, or gunshot.