Australia: Crossing the Rubicon - the path to offensive autonomous weapons

Fellows Road Law Theatre 1, ANU College of Law


About the event

Join us for a timely discussion on the legal, ethical and moral implications of the use of offensive autonomous weapons systems, led by Professor Chris Jenks from the SMU Dedman School of Law in Texas. 

The event, hosted by the Australian National University, Australian Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross, commences at 5.30pm at the ANU College of Law.

To RSVP and for more information:

Bio -  Professor Chris Jenks

Chris Jenks directs the Criminal Justice Clinic and is an Assistant Professor of Law at the SMU Dedman School of Law in Dallas, Texas, where he teaches and writes on the law of armed conflict. He is currently a professorial fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law at Melbourne Law School as part of a Fulbright Scholars Grant researching how emerging technologies impact accountability in armed conflict.

Prior to joining the SMU faculty, Professor Jenks served for more than 20 years in the US military. In his last assignment Professor Jenks served as the chief of the international law branch for the US Army in the Pentagon.




Date and time
Venue address

Fellows Road Law Theatre 1, ANU College of Law

Building 5, Fellows Road, ANU