Beyond visible scars in the Middle East: A focus on mental health and psychosocial support



About the event

P. Krzysiek / ICRC

To mark the World Mental Health Day and in honour of the victims of the current humanitarian crisis in Syria and its neighbouring countries, the ICRC will chair a panel discussion on the mental health needs and response provided to people affected by war and conflict in the Middle East.

Due to the room's limited capacity all participants are invited to register in advance and arrive on time.

Yves Daccord, Director-General, ICRC

Robert Mardini, Regional Director for the Near and Middle East, ICRC

Avril Patterson, Health Coordinator in Syria, ICRC
Mark van Ommeren, Public Mental Health Advisor and
Focal Point for MHPSS in Emergencies, WHO
Rabih El Chammay, Head of National Mental Health Programme,
Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon (video presentation)
Sarah Joe Chamate, Psychologist in Lebanon, ICRC


Date and time
Venue address


17 avenue de la Paix, 1202 Geneva