The challenges of new technologies in warfare



About the event

The first panel of the Research and Debate Cycle on new technologies and the modern battlespace addresses the various ethical, legal, scientific, and military issues that new technologies raise for humanitarian law and action.

Recent scientific and technical progress has given rise to unprecedented means and methods of warfare. Some technologies that only yesterday were in the realm of science fiction have the potential of causing catastrophes tomorrow. Other recent developments, however, could not only limit civilian losses, but also spare the lives of combatants. Certain features of these new technologies raise unprecedented issues that make the legality of an attack more difficult to ascertain, and the attribution of responsibility more complex.


Watch the whole conference:


Watch the individual interviews of the panelists for further insight on the subject:


  • Dr. Roberta Arnold, LLM, Attorney, Researcher at the Military Academy at ETH Zurich, Chair for Strategic Studies
  • Dr. William Boothby, Associate Fellow, Emerging Security Challenges Programme, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
  • Laurent Gisel, Thematic Legal Adviser, Legal Division, ICRC
  • Prof. Marco Sassòli, Professor and Director, Department of Public International Law and International Organization, University of Geneva
  • Prof. Noel Sharkey, Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Professor of Public Engagement, University of Sheffield, and Chairman of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control


  • Dr. Nils Melzer, Senior Fellow and Senior Programme Advisor, Emerging Security Challenges Programme, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)


Date and time
Venue address


Avenue de la Paix 19, Genève