Media debate their reporting of conflict and disaster


About the event

It's not the media's job to look after the sick and wounded, but they play a vital role in times of war and disaster.

By shining a spotlight on the misery, the media stops the world from looking the other way and can be a strong advocate for action. This makes the role of the media complementary to that of humanitarian organizations, and connected to it.

This conference in Hiroshima brings together senior media people from across the Asia Pacific region, offering a forum for discussion and reflection on humanitarian reporting.

We'll be updating this page with photos and presentations from the conference, interviews with participants and more - so please keep checking in!

Conference programme and contributors

Follow #APMedia14, @EWatsonICRC and @ICRC_JP twitter to keep up with the debate live on Twitter. And follow our Facebook page dedicated to reporting on violence and emergencies:



Date and time