Market Dialogue - Remote beneficiary management and non-traditional data sources


About the event

The Analysis and Evidence team at the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of the Red Cross's Global Cash Transfer Programming Unit in collaboration with Norwegian Red Cross are hosting a Market Dialogue to scope solutions in addressing Remote Management of Affected People through both traditional and non-traditional data sources. This initiative is supported by Innovation Norway.

The Market Dialogue will provide a unique forum to engage in the common thematic gaps identified by humanitarian actors in beneficiary management such as, remote data collection, targeting, registration, verification; data protection and security; effective and inclusive community engagement; cost-effectiveness and scalability.

The event aims at bringing together humanitarian actors with the private sector, academia and beyond to discuss opportunities and challenges of beneficiary management, methodologies and usage of both traditional and non-traditional data sources and technologies, while maintaining actionable practices which remain people centered.

The following thematic topics will be further expanded on during the session (with a specific focus on cash-based programming):

  • Gaps in project cycle: Remote data collection, targeting, registration, verification
  • Data protection and security
  • Effective and inclusive community engagement
  • Cost-effectiveness and scalability of solutions
  • Data sources to benefit CVA decision making, collaborative approaches to sharing and processing data

This information sharing dialogue will be hosted online and will be hosted at 09:00 CET and again at 16:00 CET on 9 August 2022.

Please feel free to circulate this invitation for participation with other colleagues and relevant private sector companies who might have some interest in participating and providing some solutions to remote beneficiary management challenges.

For any inquiries on this event, please contact Shahnaaz Parker ( or

Please register for the event by clicking the button below.

Register here