When lives are at stake: Exploring high-pressure negotiations through storytelling

Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)


Speakers & panelists


Karim Hafez

Negotiation Support Specialist – Middle East, CCHN

Pascal Hundt

Senior Crisis Manager, ICRC

Julie Dunphy

Senior Policy & Liaison Officer (Field Security Service), UNHCR

Mehmet Balci

Co-Director and Founder, FFH

Nicola Eva Fell

Audiovisual Producer and award-winning filmmaker, ICRC

About the event

Negotiating under pressure in insecure environments is a critical skill that allows humanitarian organizations to help those most in need. Humanitarians must strike a brutal balance between making an impact and maintaining their principles. If negotiations fail, people may not receive the assistance and protection they so urgently need.

The event will be divided in two parts:

Part 1: Voices from the Field

During the first part of the event, you can interact directly with guest speakers who will share personal stories about high-pressure negotiations in humanitarian settings.

Part 2: We Negotiate

During the second part, you will be asked to take action in the course of an interactive presentation about "How well could you negotiate on the frontline?", a project created by the ICRC. The storyline is inspired by the CCHN first Field Manual published based on the collective experience of hundreds of frontline negotiators.

The event will also demonstrate how frontline negotiations and humanitarian issues more broadly are intertwined with building peace through dialogue, negotiation, advocacy and public communication.
As an interactive event, we encourage you to engage and be active throughout the event.


The event is open to the public and is designed especially for operational and communication staff of humanitarian organizations, as well as academic and policy audiences in Geneva.

For those who are outside Geneva, you can join our our interactive live streaming on Twitter @frontline_nego.

Event Registration

We encourage you to complete the event registration to confirm your place and receive further details of the event shortly before the event.


Event App

For your convenience at the GPW 2019, you can download Whova app. The Geneva Peace Week event will go live on the app one week prior to the first day.

In collaboration with

In partnership with



Date and time
Venue address

Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

Maison de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Room 1