Our government partnerships

Our partnerships with donor governments enable us to protect and provide crucial humanitarian assistance to people whose lives have been torn apart by armed conflict.

Inauguration of the ICRC sub-delegation in Dori, Burkina Faso, in the presence of government authorities.

Our partnership approach

Governments, as states party to the Geneva Conventions, are the ICRC’s main funders, along with the European Commission. All funding is voluntary, and governments may support ICRC operations overall by giving unearmarked core contributions or donate to specific regions or countries or for particular aspects of the ICRC’s work. Governments play a significant role in addressing the humanitarian challenges faced by people caught up in armed conflict. Whether through funding, logistical support or political backing, our government partnerships enable us to respond to emergencies and protect and assist victims of armed conflict while promoting respect for international humanitarian law.

The Donor Support Group

The ICRC Donor Support Group (DSG) comprises governments, supranational organizations and international institutions that directly contribute at least CHF 10 million in cash to the ICRC annually. DSG members and the ICRC meet regularly to discuss crucial challenges for humanitarian action and share insights on ICRC operations, policy and programming.

Annual report

of total contributions originates from governments and the European Commission.

From providing emergency relief during crises to implementing long-term projects, our collaboration with governments enables us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by conflict and disaster.

ICRC staff and Red Crescent staff standing on rubble


An essential element of the ICRC’s accountability is demonstrated through its reporting for donors.

Registered government donors have access to ICRC standard reporting, which provides comprehensive information on ICRC operations worldwide.