
Report from the Regional State Consultation on IHL and Cyber Operations-Americas

The government of Mexico and the International Committee of the Red Cross jointly organized – on 9 and 10 November 2021 – a regional consultation of Latin American states on international humanitarian law (IHL) and cyber operations during armed conflicts. The aim of the event was to facilitate dialogue among states in the region, with a view to developing common understandings on how international law applies to the use of information and communication technologies during armed conflicts. This report provides an account of the exchanges among experts that took place during the consultation. In particular, participating states agreed that IHL lays down limits for cyber operations during armed con-flicts and should be interpreted in light of the evolving technologies of warfare. They also considered that certain key IHL notions needed to be clarified in the cyber context, and high-lighted suggestions for the way forward, including through developing national positions on international law in cyberspace and through taking active part in the relevant multilateral processes.