
Guide For National Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies On How To Develop A Restoring Family Links Communication Strategy

Communication is crucial to promote and raise awareness of Restoring Family Links services which are provided by the Family Links Network. Under the joint lead of the Canadian Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross, the RFL Strategy Implementation Group has developed guidance for the International Red Cross and Crescent Movement on how to develop a communication strategy for RFL purposes. This guide serves as a blueprint setting out the six crucial and interrelated steps that are essential to developing a coherent and effective communication strategy. It encourages collaboration between RFL services and the communication departments of National Societies and describes how to determine and identify the goal, objectives, key stakeholders and messages, a plan of action and a set of indicators to measure its success. A well-developed strategy will strengthen communication efforts and lead to increased understanding of and support for RFL services by specific stakeholders and the general public.