
Philippines: Our humanitarian impact from January to June 2024

Post-distribution monitoring at Lydia Village

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was established out of compassion and a deep commitment to protecting the people most affected by war.

From families looking for missing loved ones, displaced residents who are unable to meet their basic needs, to wounded weapon bearers who need medical aid, we serve the most vulnerable while being anchored by our neutral, impartial and independent spirit. Our commitment to promoting international humanitarian law (IHL), or the rules of war, to state and non-state actors remains of paramount importance to us.

The nature of war has evolved drastically in recent years. The introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cyber warfare, and autonomous weapons have made armed conflicts increasingly complex, one in which the lines between civilian and military objectives have blurred. Armed conflicts have become even more catastrophic. 

Amidst all these changes, the ICRC stands ready to continue its humanitarian work in the Philippines and around 100 countries. As we mark the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions this year, we will continue to encourage parties to the conflict to fulfill their obligations under IHL, to preserve the lives, security, dignity, and physical and mental well-being of affected people. We will assert our role as a neutral and impartial intermediary to address humanitarian problems.

For the full details of our 2024 midyear work, download our facts and figures report below.

Boat carrying ICRC aid on the way to an affected community in the Philippines

The results of our humanitarian response for the first six months of 2024


community members informed about IHL and ICRC’s protection work


residents of Bukidnon and Maguindanao del Sur were trained on sustainable farming practices and received seeds and farming tools


medics of arms bearers in Iligan City, Maguindanao and North Cotabato trained in basic trauma first aid and protection of health care


family members of 50 individuals detained in relation to the conflict participated in family visits to their detained loved ones


personnel from the Armed Forces of the Philippines attended eight IHL-focused events in various parts of the country


volunteer mobilizations (with 30 unique volunteers) from four chapters supporting 18 requests for various activities


internally displaced residents of Marawi City benefitted from the repair of the water supply system in Sagonsongan transitional shelter 

ICRC in the Philippines January to June 2024 Facts and Figures

ICRC PH midyear infographic 2024.pdf
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