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7684 results found

Mozambique: Access to healthcare made easier though a mobile clinic.

To provide easier access to health care for Tânia and her community, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) opened a mobile clinic. Tânia lives in Mararange, Montepuez, one of the many …


Kenya, Djibouti & Tanzania: Facts & Figures January - June 2022

During the reporting period, activities of the regional delegation of the ICRC in Nairobi continued generally according to plan. However, with worsening food insecurity in Kenya due to the drought, …


Request for Tender - RFT/ICRC/IOM/GVA22/00142 - 3-year Frame Agreement - Buckets 14L

Dear Madam/Sir, The International Committee of the Red Cross is pleased to invite you to participate in a joint ICRC/IOM Request for Tender (RFT/ICRC/IOM/GVA22/00142) to establish a new 3-year …


How humanitarian law applies to armed conflict and nuclear power plants

When hazardous sites like nuclear power plants become battlegrounds, the stakes for civilians today and generations to come are immense. Because of the potential threat they pose if they are damaged …


ICRC Director-General in Ukraine: Concern over nuclear plant situation and access to prisoners of war

01-09-2022 This statement was delivered by ICRC Director-General Robert Mardini at a press conference on 1 September 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Good morning. It is a pleasure for me to address both …

News release

Request for Tender - RFT/ICRC/IOM/GVA22/00141 - 3-year Frame Agreement - Collapsible Jerrycans 10L & 20L

Dear Madam/Sir, The International Committee of the Red Cross is pleased to invite you to participate in a joint ICRC/IOM Request for Tender (RFT/ICRC/IOM/GVA22/00141) to establish a new …


Ethiopia: Facts and Figures January- June 2022

In the first half of 2022, the humanitarian needs remained unfortunately immense in Ethiopia.  As part of our neutral and impartial humanitarian response, we have adopted a countrywide approach to …


Malaysia: 19th national IHL moot court competition 2022

This 19th edition will take place from 19-20 November 2022 Since 2004, the ICRC Kuala Lumpur has been partnering with a local university to organize an International Humanitarian Law moot court …


Iraq: Families of the Missing, between hope and despair, the search continues

31-08-2022 The ICRC stands with all the families of the missing; remembering Iraqis who have gone missing due to decades of armed conflict and calling on all actors to strengthen their efforts in …

News release

Somalia: 150,000 families in conflict affected areas receive life-saving cash amid drought and inflation

31-08-2022 Nairobi (ICRC) - More than 150,000 households, most of them in south and central Somalia, received enough money to buy food for a month, the first in a series of monthly payments intended …

News release

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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.