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3292 results found

Seven things you need to know about climate change and conflict

… violence. Violence also considerably limited humanitarian access . In short, impoverished … volumes of greenhouse gases into the air. 6. International humanitarian law (IHL) provides protection to the natural …


Prisons, migration and use of force

… have had less contact with family members, lawyers, judges and human rights workers, … ability to respond in ways that respected international rules and standards on the use … on respecting human rights and humanitarian principles and stand ready to …


People on War 2016: Background, methodology and results

… In 2016, the ICRC commissioned WIN/Gallup International to conduct a survey among the … Show) ............................... 9 Q9. Humanitarian workers are sometimes injured or … 8 People on War 2016 Q13. There is a body of law about how wars must be conducted, known as …


National implementation of IHL: Documentation

… States party to international humanitarian law treaties must take certain legal and …

Law and policy topic

The equation is evident: Respect for IHL equals reduced human suffering

… today, the equation is evident: respect for international humanitarian law equals reduced human suffering. People's …


Buddhism in war: New book explores link between Buddhism and IHL

… intersection between Buddhist teachings and international humanitarian law (IHL) has been published today as a joint …


Rules in War – A Thing of the Past?

… Maurer address, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, 10 May … see the enormous violations of international humanitarian law in conflicts around the world, and …


Fifth Commonwealth Red Cross and Red Crescent Conference on IHL

… Red Cross and Red Crescent Conference on International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The Conference was co-hosted by the …


Asia Pacific Media Summit: War Reporting: Navigating an ethical minefield

… of journalists risking it all to spotlight humanitarian crises, and the many ethical … below. Register here About the ICRC The International Committee of the Red Cross … over the world to increase knowledge of the laws of war and how they apply (international


Cyber and information operations

… civilians. It is essential to understand how international humanitarian law protects civilians, civilian …

Law and policy topic
New York, United Nations headquarters (2023). To mark the "protection of civilians" week, the ICRC launches its interactive installation "Digital Dilemmas" which delves into the threat posed by digital environments in situations of armed conflict. Thomas Glass/ICRC

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Try one of the following resources:

ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.