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7677 results found

The ICRC in Afghanistan – Overview

In Afghanistan, the ICRC focuses on monitoring the conduct of hostilities and working to prevent violations of international humanitarian law, visiting detainees and assisting civilians affected by …


Sudan: Treating children affected by clubfoot

Asmaran has clubfoot on both feet. She is less than a month old. This is Asmaran's second visit to Khartoum Cheshire Home. Babies born with clubfoot have one or both feet facing inwards and …

Russia: Conference discusses the human cost of weapons

The Use of Weapons in Modern Conflicts: Humanitarian Aspects conference was recently held in St Petersburg, and co-organised by the ICRC and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Member Nations of …


Rwanda: Law students square up in moot court to promote humanitarian law

The violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) that were committed during the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 must never be allowed to happen again, the country's chief justice has said. Professor …


Peacekeeping operations: ICRC statement to the United Nations, 2016

Statement by the ICRC to the United Nations General Assembly, 71st session, Fourth Committee, item 56 of the agenda. General debate on the comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping …


Migration: Speech by ICRC president to Council of Europe

Speech by Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, on 26 October 2016. First of all, let me thank you for the …


Speech by ICRC president to OSCE

Speech by Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, to the OSCE in Vienna, Austria, on 27 October 2016. Honorable Chair, Excellencies, Dear colleagues, Ladies and …


When cities become battlefields

Food and water scarce ... hospitals damaged and destroyed. The five biggest challenges civilians face when cities become …


Afghanistan: Facts and figures, July-September 2016

During July, August and September 2016, the ICRC, together with the Afghan Red Crescent, has helped displaced persons, supported communities deprived of safe water and health care and helped family …


Bangladesh: National and regional media professionals discuss humanitarian reporting

"Give a voice to voiceless and go beyond the headlines", "Personalize and humanize the stories", "Media should be a vehicle for change", "We have a responsibility to also tell positive stories to …


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Try one of the following resources:

ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.