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7677 results found

Nigeria: Surge in Malnutrition Cases Raises Fear of Looming Disaster

While the COVID-19 pandemic has hogged all the attention, the rise in malnourished children has the medical staff of Biu General Hospital worried that more children may die if they don't receive …

Philippines: Sowing seeds of hope

Farmers in Pagayawan, Lanao del Sur are learning biodynamic and organic farming in the hope of restarting their livelihoods. Basar buried his sun-scorched face in his hands and heaved a deep sigh as …


Day of Persons with Disabilities: COVID-19 an extra hurdle for those with disabilities

What does the risk of COVID-19 mean for people with disabilities? First, the disease brings with it the extra risk that a person with disabilities could be pushed even farther to the periphery of …


Photos and stories from Ethiopian refugees who fled Tigray for Sudan

A healthcare worker with the Sudanese Red Crescent Society in Hamyadet, a small town near the border, treats a woman who fled the fighting in Tigray. Many of the people seen by the Sudanese Red …

Seoul: ICRC discusses cybersecurity cooperation at Jeju Forum

On 6-7 November 2020, the ICRC mission in Seoul attended and participated in the 15th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity (“Jeju Forum”) on “Reinventing Multilateral Cooperation: Pandemic and Humane …


Seoul: 12th National IHL Moot Court Competition

On 24 October 2020, the ICRC Mission in Seoul – in collaboration with the Korean Bar Association (KBA) – coordinated the final round of the 12th National IHL Moot Court Competition in the Republic of …


How ICRC-supported hospital in Mopti responded to COVID-19 pandemic

How the ICRC-supported hospital in Mopti responded to the COVID-19 pandemic: an interview with Shabani Majaliwa, anaesthesiologist Shabani Majaliwa has been working as an anesthesiologist for the …


Nepal: Helping people with disability stay healthy during COVID-19

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICRC has continued its work to support people with disability across the world. In Nepal, Nirmala Bhandari and Ramesh Khatri are part of a group of people who …


Pakistan: Gift of independence, dignity for people with disability amid pandemic

Arif Khan has a dignified gait as he walks slowly up to his autorickshaw and gets ready for a ride just as he has been doing since he got the vehicle in February. Driving an autorickshaw in Bajaur …


Checklist: Domestic Implementation of International Humanitarian Law Prohibiting Sexual Violence

International humanitarian law (IHL) prohibits all forms of sexual violence in situations of armed conflict, whether international (IAC) or non-international (NIAC). Serious violations of IHL, …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.