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7665 results found

Egypt: ICRC donates vital protective equipment to health facilities in North Sinai amid COVID-19 crisis

30-07-2020 CAIRO (ICRC / ERC): The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has donated essential personal protective equipment, worth more than 1 million Egyptian pound, to the Egyptian Red …

News release

Waging war in cities: A deadly choice

As the world becomes more urbanized, so, too, does armed conflict. Many of today's conflicts are fought in cities and other population centres. When war comes to town, millions suffer: currently, an …


Bangladesh: Protection of detainees continues amid COVID-19

Dhaka (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) continues to support the Prisons Directorate (PD) in Bangladesh amid COVID-19 to help mitigate the risk of the spread of coronavirus …


ICRC response to COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In addition to outbreaks of cholera, the Ebola virus and measles, which continue to claim thousands of lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the country now has to grapple with the …


Afghanistan: Families who lost everything in conflict, struggle again due to COVID-19

Amir Khan, Ahmadullah and Mohammad Halim are familiar with hard times. Living through the death of their loved ones, loss of all their belongings, financial crunch and displacement from their homes, …


Philippines: Guidelines for management of dead during COVID-19 for those of Christian faith

Authorities have the responsibility to ensure safe and dignified burials for those who died of COVID-19 . In the process, authorities need to consider public health issues, forensic guidelines, but …


Central African Republic: Contending with COVID-19 in the midst of a serious humanitarian crisis

27-07-2020 Bangui (ICRC) – The struggle against COVID-19 is intensifying against the background of the alarming spread of the disease in the Central African Republic (CAR). Although the number of …

News release

Cluster munitions: Treacherous weapons that still kill ten years after a convention to ban them

By Simonetta Sommaruga and Peter Maurer* Their bright colours attract children, arousing their curiosity. And it is children who often trigger their explosion, losing an arm, a leg or their lives. …


Yemen: Torrential floods wreak havoc in war-stricken country

People help rescue a child during the floods in Sana'a city. Ali ALSONAIDAR A man puts together stones to prevent water from entering his house. Ali ALSONAIDAR People check the extent of flood damage …

Third report on the EU guidelines on promoting compliance with IHL

By working party on public international law (COJUR) The European Union (EU) is strongly committed to promoting respect for international humanitarian law (IHL) as part of its wider commitment, laid …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.