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3285 results found

Burkina Faso: Civilians and health care must be protected from any and all acts of violence

… 05-03-2021 Ouagadougou (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross … and without delay, in line with international humanitarian law." Violence against civilians, patients, …

News release

Guiding Principles for the Domestic Implementation of a Comprehensive System of Protection for Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups

… forces or armed groups. ADVISORY SERVICE ON INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW ____________________________________ XVI …

Legal factsheet

Principles of IHL (distinction, proportionality) have direct bearing on cyber operations

… and telecommunications in the context of international security; Second substantive … session; Agenda item "International law" Distinguished chair, excellencies, ladies … be understood as including international humanitarian law, which is part of …


War in cities: Towards a holistic response

… symposium on "War in Cities", the ICRC, the International Institute for Strategic Studies … of certain rules of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) related to the conduct of …


1980 Convention on certain conventional weapons and its protocols -Ratification kit

… ADVISORY SERVICE ON INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW ____________________________________ 1980 … application of Protocols I, III and IV to noninternational armed conflict (2001). Protocol …

Legal factsheet

Colombia: Between war and indifference

Humanitarian challenges in 2019       … that in a war not everything goes. Respecting international humanitarian law is not an option. Therefore, the search …


Detainees’ contacts with families are Israel's obligation under IHL

… Jerusalem - The International Committee of the Red Cross … full responsibilities under International Humanitarian Law (IHL) with regard to family contacts …


Can religious leaders play a role in enhancing compliance with IHL?

… The effectiveness of international humanitarian law (IHL) faces challenges from different …


Example Rules for Fighters

… The following list provides a concise set of international humanitarian law (IHL) rules that armed groups can …


Relevant and practical: The Additional Protocols at 40

… codified basic principles and rules of international humanitarian law (IHL). They also developed new rules to …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.