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7686 results found

South Sudan: Hundreds wounded, villages looted in intercommunal fighting in Jonglei State

04-03-2020 Juba (ICRC) – Hundreds of people have been wounded, families forced to flee their homes, and villages looted amidst intercommunal clashes that erupted mid-February in Jonglei State. The …

News release

A complex panorama of abuses in Colombia

Humanitarian challenges 2020 New dynamics in the violence, coupled with old types of behaviour by armed actors, draw a complex map of increasingly destructured armed groups, hindering our ability …


Health care under threat in Colombia

Humanitarian challenges 2020 In 2020, the peace agreement signed between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army) will be four years old. This …


Colombia: Protecting dignity amid conflict

Editorial       Christoph Harnisch   Head of the ICRC Delegation in Colombia   In 2019, explosive devices and mines killed or maimed a new victim nearly every day; people had to flee their homes or …


Venezuela: Supporting the most violence-affected population in 2019

In 2019 Venezuela experienced an increase in social tensions, and its economic and social situation deteriorated, giving rise to a shortage of essential goods, health care, and other essential …


Para Games: Myanmar’s athletes aim for gold in Manila

I am constantly training to achieve my dream of becoming a champion athlete — Min Htoo, Swimmer Hla Yamin EAIN/ICRC I have been practicing all year long and I will not make this effort a waste — Htoo …

Myanmar: She is breaking gender stereotypes, engineering change

"When you mention the word engineer, the local communities immediately think that a man will show up," says Mary Hkawn Tsin, an engineer with the ICRC's team in Kachin State. Mary is part of the …


Myanmar: Khin Myat Myat Kyaw gets closer to realizing a lifelong dream

Life hasn't been easy for 24-year-old Khin Myat Myat Kyaw. She always wanted to earn money so that her parents could have an easier life, however, this seemed impossible until very recently. Now, the …


Myanmar: “I dream of a home I can call my own”

Mother of three, Lao Sao Kwe, lives at the Shwe Sin Camp in Laukkaing Township, Shan State. Hla Yamin EAIN/ICRC “The weather is getting colder nowadays. I’m very happy that we have something to keep …

Ethiopia: ICRC holds annual physical rehabilitation partnership meeting with stakeholders

The ICRC and government stakeholders working in the area of physical rehabilitation services conducted their annual partnership meeting in Addis Ababa from 19 to 20 February 2020. Some 45 …


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