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7686 results found

Ready-to-use workshops

How can universities present the humanitarian challenges of today in their courses on international law and relations, political science and humanitarian work? How can lecturers engage students in …


Sexual violence in Nigeria – Lives abandoned in the name of survival

Twice a week the man would pay Yagana for sex. He only stopped when she became pregnant with his child. "I didn't see him again after that. He told me the child wasn't his and didn't offer me any …


Caught between extremes: Violence, drought, flooding, and now a locust invasion

People in the Horn of Africa are increasingly caught between extremes. In 2019 the region see-sawed between crippling drought and devastating floods, eroding already-fragile livelihoods and forcing …


South African scholar wins inaugural prize for African research on the rules of war

04-02-2020 Pretoria (ICRC) – South African scholar Dr. Orly Maya Stern was awarded the first-ever International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Africa Prize for best published work by African international …

News release

Ethiopia: ICRC engages with police officers on international human rights standards on policing

Thirty-five police officers drawn from Bishoftu city, Oromia Region, enhanced their knowledge of international human rights standards and humanitarian principles on policing through a two-day seminar …


Syria: A spike in civilian casualties, mass displacement in country’s northwest

Geneva (ICRC) – Attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in northwest Syria have spiked in the first weeks of 2020, killing scores of people and forcing more than 150,000 to flee their homes …


Further discovery of human remains believed to be missing people from 1990-1991 Gulf War

30-01-2020 Joint statement of the Tripartite Commission The recent recovery of remains of people in Al-Muthanna Governorate, Samawa district, in southern Iraq, thought to have gone missing during the …

News release

Burkina Faso: Escalating violence cause for concern at the ICRC

Geneva/Ouagadougou (ICRC) – In view of the fresh outbreak of violence in Burkina Faso, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) urges all parties to the conflict and all weapon bearers to …


IHL: a primer for House of Commons staff

International Humanitarian Law... in three hours. An impossible feat, some would say. But that's exactly what the UK and Ireland delegation and the British Red Cross did last week, in a training …


Ethiopia: New physical rehabilitation center goes operational in Jigjiga

A physical rehabilitation centre which was built in Jigjiga town, Somali Region, with technical and material support of the ICRC was inaugurated. The centre will provide physical rehabilitation …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.