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7693 results found

#DontForgetLombok: 2,000 quake-hit families get kits to build better shelters

Almost four months after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Lombok, thousands of people continue to live in makeshift shelters and are looking at continued support during the rainy season up ahead. A …


ICRC appeal to fund its operations in 2019

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is asking donors for more than 2 billion Swiss Francs to fund its field operations and headquarters in 2019. Our largest operations in terms of …


Sudan: Providing financial assistance to people with physical disabilities

In its efforts to reduce suffering and improve resilience especially among those affected by armed conflict, the ICRC recently provided financial resources as part of a programme specifically …


Democratic Republic of the Congo: Between Ebola and machetes

Fighting an outbreak in an area rife with violence comes with unique challenges. "Ebola changed our life here in Beni. Everyone is afraid. You're scared of even your brother and your friend because …


A step further in the search for persons missing in connection with 1992-93 armed conflict in Abkhazia

04-12-2018 Yerevan (ICRC) – The coordination mechanism comprising Georgian and Abkhaz participants that is seeking to account for 2,258 people who went missing in connection with the 1992-93 armed …

News release

African Union: ICRC calls on all parties to conflict to respect IHL in urban warfare

Safe Access to Urban Services in Armed Conflict and Violence, Statement by Diane Misenga Kibeya, Deputy head of delegation of the ICRC to the African Union, 15th International Conference on Urban …


Ethiopia: Authorities enhance prison management skills

"One of the most important lessons I learnt is that making good use of available meagre resources could change the quality of life in prison," says Deputy Commander Woubalem Tefera. Deputy Commander …


Call for consultants: Local consultancy to evaluate existing BJMP health information systems and suggest ways forward

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Health in Detention Team is looking for a contractual partner with experience related in public health, allied medical field or research in health …


Voices from Within: A decade of questions racing through the minds of war surgeons in the Middle East and North Africa

Over the past ten years, several armed conflicts have plagued the Middle East and North Africa. These conflicts and other situations of violence have created unprecedented levels of human suffering …


Ethiopia: For the love of the game

Promoting social inclusion for people with disabilities through basketball. "I have grown to love basketball, I feel like it is my safe space where I can be myself, it makes me happy." Abinet …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.