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7691 results found

Essentials of the Law of War

An offprint from the \"Handbook on the Law of War for Armed Forces\", this brochure intended for officers contains a summary of the rules of conduct in action and a programme for military …


Restoring Links between Dispersed Family Members

This leaflet provides a concise summary of the problem of families split up by war or disasters and a description of the methods used by the Movement to restore family links, reunite separated …


The Red Cross Wound Classification

The Red Cross wound classification system describes and lists various features of wounds, giving a numerical value to each feature, to help civilian surgeons prepare for war surgery. Note: the …


Amputation for War Wounds

The ICRC has acquired a great deal of experience in treating war wounds, particularly those caused by anti-personnel mines. This review of amputation techniques is intended to pass on its experience …


Protecting People Deprived of their Liberty

This illustrated booklet explains why, when and how the ICRC assists and protects people deprived of their liberty. It gives an overview of the various activities we carry out and programmes we run …


War Wounds with Fractures: A Guide to Surgical Management

This publication addresses the management of war wounds by non-specialist surgeons in situations where resources and expertise are limited. It is intended to be a pratical guide whether or not the …


War and Public Health: A Handbook

A manual intended for medical and other personnel responsible for humanitarian activities in armed conflicts. It covers the following topics: setting up a health-care system that meets the essential …


Hospitals for War-Wounded: A Practical Guide for Setting Up and Running a Surgical Hospital in an Area of Armed Conflict

When war breaks out, any existing health-care system will rapidly be disrupted and then overwhelmed: just when the infrastructure on which the facility is dependent collapses, an unprecedented influx …


Anti-Personnel Landmines: Friend or Foe? A Study of the Military Use and Effectiveness of Anti-Personnel Mines

his study examines the military case for continued use of anti-personnel landmines. Mines employed in conflicts since 1940, whether by professional armies, by insurgents or in counter-insurgency …


Staying Alive: Safety and Security Guidelines for Humanitarian Volunteers in Conflict Areas

This publication has been updated and replaced by SAFE: Security and safety manual for humanitarian personnel (ref. number 4425). It is available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish and …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.