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7686 results found

Creation of a sub-regional platform on IHL for Indian Ocean island states

The National IHL Committees of Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles have agreed to create a sub-regional IHL platform to engage in dialogue and exchange ideas on generating greater respect …


EHL list of documents

Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) is a resource pack for teachers to introduce students aged 13 to 18 to the basic rules of international humanitarian law. It was designed by the International …


Current issues in IHL- interview with Director of International Law and Policy, ICRC

In October, 2016, Helen Durham, Director of International Law and Policy at the ICRC, talked about some most heated IHL issues when interviewed in Beijing. What does the IHL say about terrorism? …


Myanmar: ICRC president concludes official visit

16-05-2017 Myanmar (ICRC) - Peter Maurer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), carried out his second official visit to Myanmar from 9 to 12 May. Mr. Maurer met with the …

News release

Pakistan: First responders from 17 countries learn about the proper management of dead bodies

Islamabad (ICRC) – Handling the dead with respect and dignity through international best practices and highlighting the importance of accurate identifications in emergency situations is the theme of …


Yemen: Access to detainees a humanitarian must

16-05-2017 Geneva/Sana'a (ICRC) – The suffering of thousands of families who have had no contact with relatives detained in relation to the conflict in Yemen must end, the International Committee of …

News release

Ethiopia: Second humanitarian law moot court competition held

Law students from various universities have been testing their international humanitarian law (IHL) knowledge and skills at the second national moot court competition, which was organized by the ICRC …


Humanitarian challenges 2017: ICRC Colombia Report

During 2016, the ICRC recorded 838 alleged violations of IHL and other humanitarian principles that affected nearly 18,600 people in Colombia. The organization is also concerned about the …


Electricity shortages affect all aspects of life in Gaza

Al-Sheikh Ejleen - Central Gaza Due to power shortage, wastewater treatment plants are no longer fully functional. Without the treatment, wastewater, contaminated with feces, gets pumped directly …

Kosovo: Families of missing persons are still looking for answers

''Our hopes won't vanish until they - or something belonging to them - is found, dead or alive, we believe the truth will come out.'' Every person's disappearance means a lifetime struggle for the …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.