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7687 results found

Colombia: Quenching a mining community’s thirst

Water tends to be a luxury for mining communities in north-eastern Antioquia, an area where armed groups are active. Drinking water is scarce because effluent from the mining industry has …


Kenya: Gripped by drought, 14,000 Kilifi residents get ‘e-water’ access

Residents of Kilifi County along the coast of Kenya are bearing the agony of watching their cattle and goats die every day. A biting drought for the last six months has led to the deaths of over …


Clean drinking water, a vital lifeline for the people of South Sudan

The Nile river is the main source of water in this region. Many people consume untreated water directly from the river. Every year, this leads to the spread of water born-diseases. CC BY-NC-ND / …

Trainings on de-escalation of violence at healthcare facilities

The ICRC along with its partners conducted a detailed research study on the patterns of violence against healthcare in Karachi. The report can be accessed here . One of the findings of the report was …


“Massive scaling up urgently needed to tackle hunger crisis” says ICRC’s Director of Operations

22-03-2017 The ICRC is appealing for $400m to help those most affected by the humanitarian crises in Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan and north-east Nigeria. The funds will ensure 5 million vulnerable …

News release

Yemen: Much-needed aid finally reaches city of Taiz

13 truckload of aid, including food and other essentials, reached Taiz on 8 March 2017. ICRC / Fareed Al-Homaid Two aid distributions points were set up in schools - one in Habash Mountain and the …

Somalia: Water, an extra-precious resource during severe drought

Water is precious everywhere, but there are few places on Earth where water is as precious as in Somalia right now. The Horn of Africa region is fighting a severe drought that threatens thousands of …


Ready, safe water for displaced families in Maguindanao

The barangays of Elian, Dapiawan, Madia, Kitango, and Salbo, all in Datu Saudi Ampatuan municipality in Maguindanao Province, are now better equipped to host displaced families whenever armed clashes …


Ukraine: Experts discuss identification of mortal remains in armed conflict and other emergencies

21-03-2017 A three-day seminar on identifying dead bodies in armed conflict and other emergencies got underway today, organized by the ICRC in cooperation with Ukraine's National Association of …

News release

In South Sudan, a remote clinic works to save limbs and lives

Nyakosti looks terrified. The 15-year-old knows the surgical team may amputate her leg. Silvana, a pediatric nurse from Italy, wraps her arms around the teenager and whispers in her ear. Nyakosti …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.