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7686 results found

Afghanistan: Medical facilities must not be put at risk

13-09-2016 Kabul / ICRC - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemns the violent incident that took place at the Mirwais regional hospital in Kandahar yesterday in which two people …

News release

My refugee story

"I looked around the International Red Cross exhibition room, and suddenly felt weak at the knees. I had originally been honoured when I received an invitation to a digital strategies roundtable in …


Beyond barriers: Sport and rehabilitation

Liberia In a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war, football among amputees is a matter of national pride - a landmark of recovery and revival. Christopher Morris / ICRC Senegal Senegal. …

Course in international humanitarian law for humanitarian professionals and policymakers

The ICRC's 20th course in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) for humanitarian professionals and policy makers is designed to acquaint participants with the international rules, principles and …


Lebanon: ICRC trains doctors in treatment of weapon wounds

The ICRC has partnered with the Lebanese University (LU) for a second year to offer a university diploma in the clinical management of weapon wounded patients. This course, which will run from 31 …


Photo gallery: In Iraq, aid distribution continues as further displacement looms

Credits: Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos Credits: Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos Credits: Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos Credits: Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos Credits: Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos …

Jordan: Facts & figures on ICRC's work from January to June 2016

With the Syria crisis now in its sixth year, thousands of Syrian refugees living in Jordan are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Despite challenges and security constraints, we have …


Ethiopia: Supporting the families of the missing

Mekelle, Ethiopia The ICRC invited families of the missing persons to commemorate the International Day of the Disappeared. ICRC Mekelle, Ethiopia Around 50 families from the most affected areas …

Somalia: Farming cooperatives mean more food for everyone

The ICRC is working with farming cooperatives in Somalia to increase food security amid erratic climate conditions that alternate between drought and floods. This approach with cooperative movements …


In Yemen, access to water can be a daily struggle

When infrastructure is destroyed, taps stop running. In Yemen, getting water has become a daily struggle. …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.