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7740 results found

Sexual violence: Need for greater protection through law and action

Sexual violence in armed conflict is widespread. But its extent is vastly underestimated, and so are the consequences. South Asian experts discussed the need for stronger action at a conference held …


Philippines: helping communities affected by typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

Six months after Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) hit, a lot still needs to be done for the millions of people who lost family members, homes and livelihoods. This video shows how the Red Cross Red Crescent …


Sexual violence: Need for greater protection through law and action

Sexual violence in armed conflict is widespread. But its extent is vastly underestimated, and so are the consequences. South Asian experts discussed the need for stronger action at a conference held …


Colombia: Doctors and nurses are trained to treat war wounds

 A group of health workers in Putumayo – epicentre of the armed conflict in the south of Colombia – are trained by the ICRC to improve patient care for people with conflict-related injuries and …


Philippines: Life after Typhoon Haiyan

The world's worst-ever typhoon struck central Philippines on 8 November 2013, making landfall with 300 km winds and 5-metre waves. Communities were left without food, electricity, water or any means …


Mali: Tackling scabies outbreaks in prisons

Over 2,600 detainees have been treated for scabies in an eradication campaign run by the Malian prison authorities, with the support of the ICRC, in the prisons of Sikasso, Kati and Bamako.   “During …


Ukraine: Ukrainian Red Cross first-aiders in action

Maidan, Kiev, Ukraine, 22 January 2014. With temperatures at -20°C, the URCS emergency response team provides first aid amidst the violence. © Mstyslav Chernov / UnFrame Maidan, Kiev, Ukraine, 21 …

Niger: On the migrant's trail

 Migrants wind up in the middle of the desert. The Red Cross is virtually their only source of aid. In the transit centres of Arlit, Dirkou and Agadez, they can contact their families and receive …


Strengthening Compliance with IHL – Preparatory Discussion, April 2014

Preparatory Discussion in view of the Third Meeting of States on Strengthening Compliance with IHL of mid-2014 Fact-finding and Meeting of States 3 and 4 April 2014 BACKGROUND DOCUMENT GENEVA, MARCH …


Australia: Perspectives on the Pacific

  ICRC’s head of operations for East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Alain Aeschlimann, toured the Pacific earlier this month visiting Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand for meetings …


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IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.