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7685 results found

Malaysia: Putting good health into practice

In the heart of Sabah, 120 children recently learnt valuable lessons on good health and hygiene practices as part of an ICRC initiated project at St Theresa School, Penampang. Taking into …


Nepal: New handbook to promote international humanitarian law

A handbook for parliamentarians and other civilian authorities titled "Promoting Respect for International Humanitarian Law in Nepal" was launched in Kathmandu on 16 March at a ceremony organized by …


Central African Republic: Fabrice returns home

In Central African Republic, children fleeing violence have been displaced to the interior of the country or have taken refuge in neighbouring countries. This is what happened to Fabrice, who …


Combating tuberculosis in detention

Tuberculosis, a curable but potentially fatal disease if not treated correctly, is rapidly spreading worldwide – reaching alarmingly high levels in a number of locations. In particular, the rate of …


Arms Trade Treaty: Newest addition to international humanitarian law discussed at Malaysia regional conference

24-03-2015 Kuala Lumpur / Geneva (ICRC) – The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – the newest addition to international humanitarian law (IHL) – is the focus of a regional conference being held in Kuala Lumpur …

News release

Bled dry - How war in the Middle East is bringing the region to the brink of a water catastrophe

The Middle East’s water supplies – and the people who depend on them – are at breaking point. On this page that provides highlights of the full report, we detail the inter-related network of problems …


Niger: Humanitarian law manual for armed forces

25-03-2015 Niamey (ICRC) – An instruction manual on international humanitarian law was officially presented today to Niger's Ministry of National Defence. It was drafted by the country's defence and …

News release

War pushing water shortages to breaking point in the Middle East, says ICRC report

25-03-2015 With heavy fighting continuing to tear apart Syria and Iraq, and many communities still recovering from conflicts in Lebanon, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the region's …

News release

Yemen: ICRC concerned at civilian casualties amid escalating violence

26-03-2015 The ICRC in Yemen, worried by the recent escalation of violence in the country, expressed concern on Thursday at reports of civilian casualties following air strikes in the capital Sana'a …

News release

Sri Lanka: Clarifying the fate of missing persons requires sustained commitment

The ICRC's Director of Operations, Dominic Stillhart, recently concluded a five-day visit to Sri Lanka. During his time in the country Mr Stillhart met with a number of senior government officials, …


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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.