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7987 results found

Global Initiative to galvanise political commitment to international humanitarian law

Calling for humanity to be upheld in war The Global Initiative to galvanise political commitment to international humanitarian law Despite a global consensus supporting the Geneva Conventions, …


Foundation for the ICRC

The Foundation for the ICRC was established in 1931 to help the ICRC fulfil its vital humanitarian mission in both peacetime and wartime. Who we are The period between the First World War and the …

Makamba province. ICRC restoring family links program. A family reunited. Juliana AMADOR MESA/ICRC

Helping detainees

Every detainee deserves to be treated with dignity and fairness, regardless of the reason for their arrest and detention. Protecting and assisting people deprived of their liberty Ensuring respect …

An ICRC employee speaking with detainees at the San Salvador, Cojutepeque Penal Centre.


Everybody has a right to health care – even in war. We don’t take sides, and we will always uphold our principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence in the course of our work. We …

An ICRC medical staff member assists an elderly woman on a stretcher during an emergency situation.

Protected persons: Persons with disabilities

International humanitarian law (IHL) includes provisions to protect people with disabilities during times of armed conflict and other violence. Highlights ICRC preparing for major expansion of sports …

Man walking with boy with a prosthetic leg at rehabilitation center.

Criminal repression of IHL violations

When violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) occur, states are under an obligation to prosecute alleged offenders. Domestic courts therefore play an important role in enforcing IHL and …


Autonomous weapons

Autonomous weapons are not a work of science fiction from a distant dystopian future. They are an immediate cause of humanitarian concern and demand an urgent, international political response. …

Northrop Grumman personnel conduct preoperational tests on a U.S. Navy X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System demonstrator aircraft.

The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries

The 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in …


Protected persons: Children

Under international humanitarian law, children affected by armed conflict are entitled to special respect and protection.  Highlight Children should be at school, not at war From our archives: …

Children play with a ball in Beledweyne, Rasmi camp.

Arms transfers

The widespread and poorly regulated availability of weapons facilitates violations of international humanitarian law and hampers the delivery of assistance to victims. Strengthening and enforcing …

Physical rehabilitation center supported by the ICRC in Rumbek, South Sudan.

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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.