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292 results found

The United Nations and International Humanitarian Law: The International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations' involvement in the implementation of international humanitarian law

International Symposium on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations, Geneva, 19-21 October 1995. Paper presented by Dr Hans-Peter Gasser, Senior Legal Adviser, International …


The International Committee of the Red Cross as guardian of international humanitarian law

The ICRC acts as the guardian of international humanitarian law, a complex role that is closely connected with its own foundation and was later formally entrusted to it by the international …


New weapons - Factsheet

International humanitarian law (IHL) is a set of rules which seeks to limit the effects of armed con­flict. It restricts the means and methods of warfare permitted to combatants and protects those …

Legal factsheet

Protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict - Report

Report drawn up by the Advisory Service on international humanitarian law of the International Committee of the Red Cross following the Meeting of experts on national implementation of the rules for …

Legal factsheet

General and specific protection of women under international humanitarian law

This document includes both the general and specific protection afforded to women under international humanitarian law, meaning that some of the legal provisions apply equally to men and women …


How "grave breaches" are defined in the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols

The four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol 1 of 1977 each have a definition of what constitutes grave breaches. GC 1 Art. 50.   Grave breaches to which the preceding Article relates shall be …


O, Humanitarian coordination bodies, 1921- ongoing, 127 metres of shelf space

The archives of humanitarian coordination bodies set up jointly with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the former "League"), National Societies or other …


C, Tracing and protection, 1870 - ongoing, 2298 metres of shelf space

The records of the tracing agencies set up by the ICRC between 1870 and the present day are grouped together in the section with an index number commencing with a C: Basle Agency (Franco-Prussian …


Guidelines for assessing the compatibility between national law and obligations under treaties of international humanitarian law

Assessing national measures to implement international humanitarian law allows the authorities to verify which measures have already been taken and which remain to be taken in order to honour the …

Legal factsheet

Guiding Principles / Model Law on the Missing

Document suggesting model legislative provisions to be used by States as guidance in the drafting of legislation on the protection of missing persons and on the prevention of this situation. ADVISORY …

Legal factsheet

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ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.