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292 results found

The book Warrior Without Weapons now available in Greek

In collaboration with an academic institution in Greece Marcel Junod was a Swiss doctor and one of the most well-known ICRC delegates. In 1935, Junod decides to join ICRC's humanitarian mission in …


EHL list of documents

Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) is a resource pack for teachers to introduce students aged 13 to 18 to the basic rules of international humanitarian law. It was designed by the International …


ICRC archives to be opened, 1966-1975

The public archives of the ICRC for the period 1966-1975 will be open to the public from 15 June 2015. The archives cover a number of important historical events including the Nigeria-Biafra War …


Catalogue of publications and films in Arabic

The catalogue presents a comprehensive list of publications and films available in Arabic. Each entry is in Arabic and English and gives the publication or film's reference number and website link. …


ICRC publications in Farsi

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Reducing Suffering During Armed Conflict: The Interface Between Buddhism and IHL

International Conference - Dambulla, Sri Lanka, 4-6 September 2019 From 4 to 6 September 2019, over 120 participants from around the world gathered in the historic town of Dambulla, Sri Lanka, for an …


Assessment of ICRC’s evaluation function: Final report

The ICRC commissioned this assessment in 2019 to analyse the capacity and capability of the organisation to implement evaluations. The assessment looked at the practice and culture of evaluation, and …


B, General services, 1917- ongoing, 3313 metres of shelf space

The records produced by ICRC services, secretariats and departments in Geneva have an index number starting with the letter B. Particular attention should be drawn to the records pertaining to …


South Sudan: World Bank and ICRC partner to save and change lives

Since 2019, the World Bank and ICRC have partnered to expand access to health care for conflict-affected and hard-to-reach communities in the states of Upper Nile and Jonglei. In the early morning …


Chair’s Summary Report of State Expert Meeting on IHL: Protecting the Natural Environment in Armed Conflict

Armed conflicts can have a devastating impact on the environment, and the environmental consequences of conflict in turn threaten people's health and livelihoods. States met to discuss in 2023. …


Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Try one of the following resources:

ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.