International humanitarian law and policy on

Protected persons: Women

International humanitarian law aims to prevent and alleviate suffering in war without discrimination based on sex. That means that women’s needs must be accounted for.

A group of African women and children facing the camera.

Woman and international humanitarian law

International humanitarian law (IHL) aims to prevent and alleviate human suffering in war without discrimination based on sex. But it does recognize that women face specific problems in armed conflict, such as sexual violence and risks to their health.

War is not just a man's business. The impact of fighting on women can be severe. Humanitarian law recognizes this in the general protection it affords to both women and men, as well as in specific provisions providing additional protection to women.

In general, IHL requires humane treatment for the wounded and sick, prisoners and civilians caught up in a conflict, without any discrimination based on sex, race, nationality, religion, political opinions or any similar criteria. This general protection is provided by the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977, as well by customary humanitarian law.

The general provisions of IHL also forbid hostage-taking and the use of human shields. In recent conflicts there have been abuses, particularly the use of women and children to shield combatants from attack.

In addition, women must be “especially protected” from sexual violence. This includes rape, forced prostitution and any other form of indecent assault, all of which constitute war crimes. The threat of sexual violence against women is also prohibited. And women in detention must be housed separately from men to avoid sexual abuse.

IHL further requires that expectant mothers and mothers of young children, especially nursing mothers, be treated with particular care. This applies, for example, to the provision of food, clothing, medical assistance, evacuation and transportation.

Women are particularly vulnerable to separation from family members and the suffering caused by missing relatives’ unknown fate, both during and after armed conflict. As the large majority of those gone missing are men, it is often the women in a family who face the anguish of waiting for news of a missing husband or child. They are often the ones who shoulder the burden of trying to trace relatives, especially children, from whom they have been separated by fighting. 

Humanitarian law provides families with the right to know the fate of their missing relatives and obliges parties to armed conflicts to take all feasible measures to account for people reported missing. In recent years, the ICRC has launched a campaign to bring the cause of the missing to the forefront. Our organization plays a leading role around the world in restoring family links both during and after armed conflicts.

Women in the civilian population also take on major responsibility for coping with other consequences of armed conflict. War disrupts food supplies and production. Health facilities, so essential to mothers and children, are destroyed. Transport, water and fuel may be affected.

Parties to a conflict are required under humanitarian law to protect the health, economic and physical security of the civilian population. When they fail, it is often women that have to deal with the consequences. In the absence of men, who are often the breadwinners, women have to ensure their families’ day-to-day survival. They often must travel long distances to find water, food, firewood, medicines and other basic necessities, exposing themselves to risks to their physical safety. In addition, they often care for sick family and community members.

We take action to support them by providing medical facilities and other essentials for survival such as food, household items and shelter. We also work to convince the parties to the conflict to allow adequate supplies through to civilians. Indeed, IHL obliges parties to the conflict to allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief to civilians in need. Humanitarian relief is impartial and provided without discrimination.

After armed conflict, women often play a key role in rebuilding communities. In rural areas, they are frequently the main beneficiaries of the supply of seeds, tools and livestock to promote economic security in the wake of a conflict. Women are also pivotal in our and other organizations’ actions in raising awareness of, and preventing injury from, landmines, which continue to cause injury and death to children after hostilities end.