
The ICRC has been active in Chad since 1978, working to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. Thanks to our neutral role, we are able to reach the most vulnerable people.

A member of the medical staff prepares the medical supplies in Adré, Abéché.

Our work in Chad

In 2023, we provided aid to Nigerian, Cameroonian, Central African and Sudanese refugees. Around 28,000 people were able to reconnect with loved ones using our family-links services.

We visited over 5,000 detainees to ensure that their treatment and living conditions complied with internationally recognized standards.

We raised awareness among weapon bearers of the need to respect international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Our war surgeons worked at the University Hospital Centre in Abéché and we helped evacuate wounded people to N’Djamena.

Contact us


Hille Rogue, 2e Arrondissement – Rue 3604, Porte 91, BP. 965 – N’Djamena – Chad

Opening Hours:

8am - 4pm

Our work with the Chad Red Cross

The Red Cross of Chad is the ICRC’s main humanitarian partner in the country. We work closely together to assist and protect people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence.