
The ICRC has provided humanitarian services in Iran since 1977, helping Iranians and migrants from other countries affected by armed conflicts.

Shalmjah border (2010). Repatriation operation of the mortal remains of Iranian soldiers killed killed during the Iran-Iraq War, under the aegis of the ICRC.

Our work in Iran

In Iran, the ICRC promotes international humanitarian law and works with the authorities to address the consequences of the 1980–1988 Iran–Iraq war, particularly the missing people and the contamination by explosive remnants of war, such as mines. The ICRC also provides humanitarian aid to refugees and migrants to help them meet their essential needs, working closely with the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other partners. 

Contact us


No. 4, Next to Akhtar Hospital Azar Dead-end, Sharifi Manesh St. Elahieh, Tehran, Iran


+98-21-2264 5821-4

Opening Hours:

9:00am - 4:30pm

Media contact

Shahram Naghdiani

Our work with the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Iran delegation works closely with the Iranian Red Crescent to raise awareness of international humanitarian law and the principles that guide the work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, such as with Iran’s national committee on international humanitarian law and the ministry of foreign affairs. Medical staff from the Iranian Red Crescent are regularly seconded to the ICRC for field assignments.