
The ICRC mission in Lomé works closely with communities affected by armed violence and delivers aid that meets their specific needs.

An ICRC delegate speaks before a hand-basketball match.

Our work in Togo and Benin

The ICRC works to meet the needs of people affected by armed conflicts and other situations of violence and to improve living conditions for refugees, communities and people deprived of their liberty. We also provide Restoring Family Links services and promote international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles.

Since February 2022, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Ghana and Benin have been seeing an influx of people fleeing the consequences of the crisis in Burkina Faso, which has resulted in growing humanitarian needs. In line with its mandate, the ICRC works in collaboration with National Societies to provide assistance to civilians made vulnerable by armed conflict or other violence in order to improve their living conditions and meet their basic needs.

Other country we support: The mission also covers Benin

Contact us


Rue de la relève – 79 AFG – 01 BP 3144 Lomé, Togo

Our work with National Societies

We cooperate closely with the Beninese Red Cross and the Togolese Red Cross in order to deliver a rapid, effective and concerted response to humanitarian needs.