
Azerbaijan: Activity highlights for 2021

ICRC continued their operations in 2021 to provide humanitarian protection and assistance to the conflict-affected population. Thousands of people received support through a number of programs implemented during the reporting year.

Over 15,000 households were provided with one-time cash assistance to support their livelihood. To facilitate safer access to education, 19 schools and 6 kindergartens located in conflict-affected communities benefited from various types of support, including rehabilitation of buildings or sanitary facilities, or donations of furniture, disinfectant materials and other equipment.

Over 5,000 children in schools and kindergartens received student and sport kits, learning materials and toys. Residents of 22 communities increased their resilience to mine risks and weapon contamination through Risk Awareness and Safer Behavior briefings, Forum Theaters, and Mine Risk Education sessions.

Thanks to the ICRC efforts, over 2,500 people residing in conflict-affected communities have improved their access to water and electricity.

The ICRC continued dialogue with relevant authorities to promote international humanitarian law and extend support in line with its mandate. Strong collaboration was in place with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRCS), in coordination with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to assess the needs and challenges of the conflict-affected population and deliver humanitarian response.


ICRC: Activity highlights 2021

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