
Azerbaijan: Activity highlights in the first half of 2021

In the first half of 2021, the ICRC offices in Baku and Barda continued its activities to deliver effective humanitarian response in relation to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. During the first six months of the year, a number of projects were carried out which allowed to reach out to more than 12,000 people residing in the affected communities.

To assist the livelihood of affected people, cash assistance was distributed to 12,313 persons. Hundreds benefited from psychological support either through direct ICRC sessions or by psychologists trained by the organization.

The ICRC continued its dialogue with relevant authorities in activity directions under its mandate, and to promote the international humanitarian law. Strong collaboration was in place with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRCS), in coordination with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to assess the needs and extend support when and where relevant.

80 first aid kits and 5 first aid boxes were distributed to branches of the AzRCS to ensure their readiness to respond in case of need. More than 60 AzRCS volunteers were part of different training sessions to enhance their capacities.

To support the healthcare system of the country, 26 ambulance staff operating in the areas affected by the conflict received first aid training to enhance their knowledge and skills.

The ICRC takes necessary steps to ensure business and operational continuity, and address the conflict-related needs and challenges under its mandate.

Below are a few highlights of our activities in the first half of 2021.


ICRC Azerbaijan - Activity highlights: Jan - June 2021

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